Hello World! I'm a reNEWed blogger, coming back to something I love...writing. If you followed me on my blogging journey before, you know that I wrote about everything from fashion, to mom stuff, to recipes. If you didn't know I blogged before, now you do :) I stopped blogging before because it stopped being fun. It was so much pressure to blog x amount of times per week, and keep content fresh and exciting for all my readers. This go round I'm going back to the basics...having fun, and writing about things I enjoy, when I feel like doing it! Enough about the past, here's what you need to know now:
I'm an East Coast gal living the California dream, in Las Vegas!

I am currently a SAHM to 4 boys. Before having my last little one a few weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to make a living doing what I love as Visual Manager for a big retailer!

I love to bake, craft things (anything from crocheting to sewing), and the inner grandma in me loves playing Bingo!
I hope you'll join me on blogging round 2!